
Project Type:

Animated campaign landing pages

Project Details:

Vue, Anime.js, CSS, HTML

Project Industries:


A series of interactive story telling landing pages were built to compliment a series of nationwide, marketing campaigns aimed a new house buyers. I implemented a custom scroller, and made a simple framework using Vue and Anime.js to trigger events and animations as the user scrolls through the page. Short clips from the TV campaigns were used alongside key messaging elements to help bring the story to life. The pages were built to be as light and dependency-free as possible to allow smooth integration into Redrow's parent site.

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Project Type:

Bespoke web application with multiple API integration

Project Details:

Vue, Vuex, Google Maps, Third Party API Integration, CSS, HTML

Project Industries:


This small web application was built to help people find the appropriate tow bar to fit to their car. The aim was to make the journey as smooth and easy as possible, with enough help and assistance to guide the user to their choice. VueJS was used throughout to create the truly independent modules, which allow the user to move back and forth through the journey whilst maintaining state.

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Keele University

Project Type:

Front-end rebuild of the Keele University website

Project Details:

Vue, Webpack, PHP, Terminal Four, AA Accessibility, HTML, CSS

Project Industries:


Keele University was a front end designed and developed in an “atomic” way. Beginning with the smallest elements of the site and combining them to create “molecules” and “organisms”. This helped to achieve a strong, consistent look to the website. Which was focused on clarity and accessibility. As a part of this modular approach I used VueJS to manage the user interface elements. The site picked up a mobile excellence award from Awwwards.

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We Are Discounts

Project Type:

Bespoke lightweight website front-end

Project Details:

JavaScript, Algolia Integration, Custom Analytics, HTML, CSS

Project Industries:


We Are Discounts have a group of websites offering discounts and deals to a variety of public sector workers, the biggest one being Health Service Discounts which boasts a user base of over 1m. A clean interface with a focus on page speed and good legacy and mobile support was the order of the day here. The front end was designed to use minimal resources and was focused on good clean design principles and the CSS was kept super light. The user interface components were built from scratch in vanilla JavaScript, including a state manager.

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